Integrative Health Practitioner
For as long as I have been able to recall, my interest in “alternative” medicine has been evident - I would always choose tonic herbs or a deep tissue massage as a preference instead of the Western medicine style of pills as a treatment they kept prescribing to my parents and eventually me.
In 1998, I was newly married and had been told by several medical specialists that I would have grave difficulty conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to full term and that the difficulty would increase the older I got. At this point in my life, I started studying for my diploma in naturopathy when I successfully conceived my daughter and carried her to full term using Eastern modalities of health supplementations. My diploma did fall to the wayside in motherhood back then, along with working long hours as a business manager for the family business. Online learning was not like the wonderful education portal it is today, as the internet was only in its infancy.
In 2004, I again turned to the Eastern modalities of healing, with particular TCM, and successfully conceived and carried my son to full term. Again, at this point in my life, I knew I was meant to do more with the knowledge I had acquired through both pregnancies and motherhood.
After some in-depth research, I enrolled online when I first came across IHPI in my Facebook feed. I dived into each module upon completing the last with great passion, and I have since graduated with IHP Level 2 Certification. I have relished every moment of studying for this certification because I am fulfilling a long-held goal and can now care better for myself and my family. Professionally, I want to apply this knowledge to ensure my clients receive the best holistic care. Please visit the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute to learn more about becoming an integrative health practitioner.
a person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession, especially medicine.
"skilled practitioners treat patients."
Integrative Health Practitioner