Dr Gabor Maté
Gabor Maté, a renowned addiction expert and physician, is widely recognized for his compassionate and holistic approach to understanding and addressing addiction. With decades of experience in the fields of mental health, addiction treatment, and trauma, Dr. Maté has become a leading voice in advocating for a deeper understanding of the underlying psychological and emotional factors that contribute to addiction. His work emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes of addictive behaviors, often rooted in early life experiences and societal influences. Dr. Maté's empathetic and trauma-informed approach has had a profound impact on how addiction is perceived and treated, offering hope and healing to individuals and communities affected by addiction. Dr Gabor Maté began his career as a general physician and after 20 years of family practice and palliative care experience, Dr Maté worked for over a decade in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side with patients challenged by drug addiction and mental illness.
It has been through my own journey of sobriety from alcoholism that I have been following Dr Gabor Maté , and over the course of the past several years, taking the time to read each of his books and listened to many hours of his teachings found at wholeheart.org, where I have completed the professional development course. I highly recommend following Gabor, to all who are searching for the answers to their underlying pain that often lies dormant in the shadows while things like addiction mask its presence. It is during the times I suffer from mental anguish as part of the ebb and flow of life whilst navigating sobriety and working in the health field, I have delved into Gabor’s work and found great comfort and powerful knowledge and tools to move forward in my recovery journey. While I didn’t find Gabor at the start of my sober journey, he has become a significant factor in my everyday maintenance work required for alcoholism recovery. I connect with his teachings via his books, website, socials or you-tube, where the most valuable podcasts can be found in a video version format.
I contribute his work to keeping my sobriety on track and would safely say that his work has saved my life several times.